
About Us

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Dave Riemann

Dave Riemann, the founder and Portfolio Manager of 520 Arbitrage Fund, is a seasoned trader with over 30 years of experience in event-driven strategies, algorithmic, and quantitative trading. His expertise in the field has enabled him to develop a proprietary software that uses cutting-edge A.I. tools to parse the internet for news and pick 16 equities per day to trade. With his passion for trading and a focus on data mining, Dave established a family office in 2017, with a core focus on continually improving and refining the trading methodology that is currently being used today. Mr. Riemann holds a Degree from Pepperdine University.

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Overview Icon


At 520 Arbitrage, we take a scientific approach to investing, led by our Founder and Portfolio Manager, Dave Riemann.

We leverage advanced analytical tools and over 30 years of trading experience to identify short-term trading opportunities in the market.

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Our investment strategy is focused on event-driven strategies, algorithmic trading, and quantitative trading, and we invest in the securities of corporations undergoing significant changes. By utilizing data mining, pattern recognition, and other advanced techniques, we are able to identify statistical patterns and non-random events, helping us make informed investment decisions without being swayed by emotion.

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We firmly believe that taking emotions out of trading is the key to achieving exceptional performance. Our proven track record is a testament to the success of our approach. By utilizing a flexible and data-driven investment strategy, we have the ability to identify trading opportunities that others may have missed. This makes us an ideal choice for investors in almost any market!

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We leverage the most advanced A.I. technologies to stay ahead of the market. Our proprietary algorithm is powered by cutting-edge A.I. tools that enable more fluid and reliable trading, resulting in consistent positive outcomes and profits for our investors.